Buying and Selling

Briarcliff is a great neighborhood and has been in pretty high demand for a number of years. With miles of trails and access to parks, and rolling landscape, Briarcliff is one of a kind in this area. This page is designed to provide you information regarding the association, fees, budgets and covenants.  


Briarcliff is governed by a Homeowners Association, and covenants do apply to all properties. The covenants can be found here.  Key requirements in the covenants include:


Briarcliff encompasses Briarcliff and related additions, Plum Creek and Tower Ridge subdivisions.


Briarcliff assesses an annual fee. This is billed in January and is based on the size of the lot. The average assessment is around $100 per year per property.  Requests for paid assessment letters can be made to or by calling (815) 933-9825

Budgets and Annual Reports 

The budget and annual reports for the past few years are available here.  Our annual revenues and number of households  exempt Briarcliff Estates from the Illinois Homeowners Association Act and related documentation.

Condo Association

We are not a condo association, although there are a few condo associations that are in the neighborhood, but not managed by Briarcliff.  Briarcliff does not provide 22.1 condominium disclosures as they do not apply to us.


Briarcliff Estates does own common property that houses our trail systems, greenways, and lakes. We do not own any buildings.  We do carry liability insurance on the common areas.

First Right of Refusal

The association does not hold a first right of refusal.  When first filed, the covenants in section 16, allowed for the developer to hold a first right of refusal, but that provision expired in 1992. For this reason no waiver of first right is needed, and the association does not issue waivers.

Certificate of Insurance (2023-24).pdf